Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the BeOS, Haiku is fast, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful.



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We constantly build and and release new, bleeding edge versions of Haiku for testing purposes. You can download and install these versions to check out the latest features and bug fixes.

Be aware that nightly images may be unstable. Additionally, some packages included with official releases need to be installed separately.

If you're OK with this, you can find further instructions at our Nightly image page.

Haiku Activity & Contract Report, May 2024

Blog post by waddlesplash on Wed, 2024-06-12 23:30

This report covers hrev57720 through hrev57753.

[GSoC 2024] Fixing the crashing

Blog post by Zardshard on Tue, 2024-05-28 10:06

Currently, MiniBrowser (the simple browser that we use to test WebKit2) crashes rather easily. It crashes when it is closed, but that’s not too bad. Unfortunately, it also crashes when trying to navigate to a website (shown above)! I will be working on fixing this crash first. For those who aren’t familiar with WebKit’s code, that’s all I can really say. But if you are familiar, then keep reading. WebKit wants to know how I will fundamentally approach porting WebKit2.

Haiku, Inc. Financial Report for 2023 is now available

News posted on Sat, 2024-05-18 10:00

The Haiku, Inc. financial report for 2023 is now available on the Haiku, Inc. Documents page. Our donations for 2023 were almost as high as 2021, which was our record year so far. We pretty much broke even on income vs expenses, which bodes well for the future. Of course for more detail read the report! In 2023 our contractor waddlesplash worked the whole year, and efforts are currently under way to make another beta release.

[GSoC 2024] Sound VirtIO: Improving Haiku's virtualization as a guest OS

Blog post by diegoroux on Thu, 2024-05-16 22:11

short whoami Hello! I’m Diego Roux, an undergraduate engineering student at Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico). Passionate about low-level stuff, OS/kernel dev, embed libs, and more! I’m grateful to be working under Haiku for this GSoC! So, I’ll be working to add support for sound virtio, enhancing virtualization by working with the VM. I’ll be under the guidance of @Korli. Thanks! :D brief intro + my plans Whenever we boot a VM with Haiku in it, it needs to ensure we have a proper environment, emulating all physical devices we require (e.

Building WebKit Sensibly

Blog post by Zardshard on Wed, 2024-05-15 10:44

WebKit builds can take a lot of space and time to build on Haiku. To those working on WebKit, welcome! This blog post is primarily for those working on HaikuWebKit, Haiku's fork of WebKit, but it may also be useful for you. I will be covering some techniques that are useful to reduce the size of build files without significant disadvantages. I’ll also cover how to speed up linking.

[GSoC 2024] Enhancing Tracker: Next-Gen Find Window and Functionalities

Blog post by Calisto-Mathias on Wed, 2024-05-15 14:52

Introduction Hey There! My name is Calisto Abel Mathias, and I am excited to introduce myself as a first-year undergraduate student at the National University of Technology in Karnataka, India. I am honored to have been accepted into the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program for 2024 under the mentorship of the Haiku project. A huge thanks to my two mentors - Niels and Humdinger for embarking on this journey with me.

Haiku Activity & Contract Report, April 2024

Blog post by waddlesplash on Tue, 2024-05-14 23:30

This report covers hrev57680 through hrev57719.

[GSoC 2024] Improving the Userland Debugging Experience

Blog post by trungnt2910 on Sun, 2024-05-12 16:13

Introduction Hello again! I am Trung Nguyen (a.k.a @trungnt2910). You might have already known me as the maintainer of the .NET 8 Port for Haiku since last year’s GSoC program. I am delighted to be accepted into GSoC again! This year, under the guidance of @waddlesplash - one of the experienced Haiku devs that I admire the most, I will work on one of the core issues of software development on Haiku: the debugging experience.

[GSoC 2024] Hardware virtualization for Haiku’s QEMU port

Blog post by dalme on Sat, 2024-05-11 19:08

Introduction Hi there! I’m Daniel Martin (aka dalme) and I’m a final year undergraduate student at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). I’ve been accepted into Google Summer of Code and I’ll be working to bring hardware virtualization to Haiku, a project that has been in the GSoC ideas list for around a decade. I’ll be mentored by scottmc and waddlesplash. Project overview QEMU is a virtual machine which allows running an operating system inside of another.